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Al Shouf Cedar Society
The Shouf Biosphere Reserve covers about 5% of the overall area of Lebanon, is managed by Al- Shouf Cedar Society (ACS), which was established in 1994. ACS founds and manages the Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve (ACR) since 1996 in cooperation with Governmental Appointed Committee and under the umbrella of Ministry of Environment.
Contributions: 8
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
Absolute value (STAR)
73.1% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Lebanon is covered by this organisation.
25.9% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Asia.
0% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Al Shouf Cedar Society.
Connectivity between PAs, Natural sites, Himmas, Protected Forests and OECMs
Contributing IUCN constituents:Al Shouf Cedar SocietyIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025
Biodiversity Inventory in the Shouf Biosphere Reserve
Contributing IUCN constituents:Al Shouf Cedar SocietyIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025
Shouf Biosphere Reserve Management Plan
Contributing IUCN constituents:Al Shouf Cedar SocietyIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025
"Together" – Towards a sustainable living through local and naturally derived agricultural products relying on sustainable methods that preserve the ecosystems.
Contributing IUCN constituents:Al Shouf Cedar SocietyIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025
Adopt a Cedar Tree (or Hectares)
Contributing IUCN constituents:Al Shouf Cedar SocietyIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025