The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN concerning the legal status of any state, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada
Created in 1999 as an agency but first national park of Canada established in 1885. We are guardians of the national parks, national historic sites and the national marine conservation areas of Canada. We are guides to visitors from around the world, opening doors to places of discovery and learning, reflection and recreation. We are partners, building on the rich traditions of our Aboriginal people, the strength of our diverse cultures and our commitments to the international community. We are storytellers, recounting the history of our land and our people – the stories of Canada.
Contributions: 43
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
Absolute value (STAR)
0% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada.
Management of a bison conservation herd in Grasslands National Park
Contributing IUCN constituents:Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada
Caribou conservation and recovery: multi-species occupancy monitoring program
Contributing IUCN constituents:Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada
Conservation Breeding for the Jasper/Banff Caribou Population
Contributing IUCN constituents:Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada
Yahgudang dlljuu: A Respectful Act — Restoring the land and honouring the history of Lyell Island
Contributing IUCN constituents:Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada
Salish sea gardens: Restoring sea gardens at Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
Contributing IUCN constituents:Parks Canada Agency - Agence Parcs Canada