Les désignations utilisées et la présentation des éléments sur cette carte n'impliquent l'expression d'aucune opinion de la part de l'UICN concernant le statut juridique de tout pays, territoire, ville ou zone ou de ses autorités, ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou frontières.
Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists
NEFEJ is one of the pioneer organizations playing an important leading role as an advocate for sustainable and environment-friendly development. Throughout its 28-year existence, NEFEJ has served the Nepali society as a forum to debate, report, and influence public policy for environment conservation and sustainable development. The organization has its own radio station: Radio Sagarmatha, the first community radio in South Asia; television programs- Aankhijhyal and Nayapusta; monthly publication Haka-Haki and bimonthly publication Face to Face. NEFEJ is a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), Asia Pacific Forum of Environmental Journalists (AFEJ) and founder member of International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ). With a multimedia approach, it seeks to sensitize journalists, politicians, policy and decision-makers, opinion leaders as well as the general public, to issues related to environment and sustainable development.
Contributions : 1
Lien :http://www.nefej.org.np
Réduction potentielle du risque d'extinction des espèces résultant des mesures de réduction des menaces
Valeur absolue (STAR)
0% du potentiel mondial de conservation de la biodiversité provient de Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists.
Media for Inclusive Green Growth (MIGG)
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN :Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists