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Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.

SFI is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. SFI develops and oversees standards for certification of forest management and fiber procurement. These standards include requirements for biodiversity conservation at the species, natural community, and landscape scales. SFI is one of the PEFC endorsed forest certification schemes for North America. SFI engages partners in a wide range of initiatives at the intersection of sustainable forests, thriving communities, and responsible purchasing, including a focus on research and the provision of conservation grants. SFI is governed by a three-chamber Board of Directors with equal representation from the social, environmental and economic sectors.

Contribuciones: 1


Reducción potencial del riesgo de extinción de especies como resultado de acciones de reducción de amenazas

Valor absoluto (STAR)


El 0% del potencial de conservación de la biodiversidad global proviene de Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc..