Las designaciones empleadas y la presentación del material en este mapa no implican la expresión de opinión alguna por parte de la UICN sobre el estatus legal de cualquier país, territorio, ciudad o área o sus autoridades, o sobre la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites.
National Center for Research and Development
NCRD was established at the end of 2010 with an objective to develop scientific capabilities in Water, Food, Nano-technology, Bio-technology, Energy, Badia research and any other research interest of importance to Jordan. The center assumed the responsibility over already existing centers/programs in the areas mentioned above. All legal, financial and administrative issues have been transferred to the center. This arrangement provides an opportunity to maximize the utilization of facilities and coordination of efforts to effectively participate in solving problems facing the various economic sectors. It is envisaged that NCRD will lead the research activities in Jordan. This requires the prioritization of research fields, coordination of efforts, alleviation of obstacles, and provision of logistical and financial support in order to reach research results that solves problems and develops new products/services in all industrial, agricultural, commercial and administrative fields. It is also anticipated that NCRD will participate in translating research results into new projects and investments and create new employment opportunities.
Contribuciones: 1
Reducción potencial del riesgo de extinción de especies como resultado de acciones de reducción de amenazas
Valor absoluto (STAR)
Esta organización contribuye al 0% del potencial total de conservación de la biodiversidad de Jordania.
El 25,9% del potencial de conservación de la biodiversidad global proviene de Asia.
El 0% del potencial de conservación de la biodiversidad global proviene de National Center for Research and Development.
Community Animal Health and Extension workers in the Badia of Jordan
Miembros contribuyentes de la UICN:National Center for Research and Development