The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN concerning the legal status of any state, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Costa Rica
Contributions: 12
Contributing IUCN constituents: 12
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
Absolute value (STAR)
9.9% of Costa Rica's biodiversity conservation potential is covered by IUCN contributions.
2.4% of The Americas's biodiversity conservation potential is from Costa Rica.
45.4% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from The Americas.
Community based project to protect and restore mangrove ecosystems in Hammerhead Shark Sanctuary Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
Contributing IUCN constituents:Shark Mission Conservation Association
States:Costa Rica
Celebración APyC LAC - Celebración Del Día Internacional De Las Reservas De Biosfera
Contributing IUCN constituents:Argentine Native Forests Foundation
States:Costa Rica
Programa de Biodiversidad Enlazando el Paisaje Centroamericano
Contributing IUCN constituents:International Union for Conservation of Nature
States:BelizeCosta RicaGuatemalaHondurasNicaraguaPanamaEl Salvador
Reserva Huaravito
Contributing IUCN constituents:IUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025
States:Costa Rica
The Sloth Conservation Foundation - sloth conservation in Costa Rica
Contributing IUCN constituents:Play for Nature
States:Costa RicaPanama