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Rasmussen Family Foundation

Since 2012, the Rasmussen Family Foundation has provided strategic support for nature conservation partners to undertake community-driven projects to save IUCN Threatened species in Madagascar and the Northern Andes Hotspots. We have supported IUCN Members (e.g. Wildlife Conservation Society, Rainforest Trust, Fundacion ProAves and Fundacion Jocotoco) and other NGOs in Madagascar and Peru. The Foundation has minimum operating expenses and focuses on only programatic staff that assist partners and projects.

Contributions: 1

Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions

Absolute value (STAR)


0% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Madagascar is covered by this organisation.


30.9% of Africa's biodiversity conservation potential is from Madagascar.


19.5% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Africa.


0% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Rasmussen Family Foundation.
