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Hirola Conservation Programme

The Hirola Conservation Programme (HCP) is an indegenious people's organisation registered in Kenya in 2014 and is dedicated to promoting the conservation of hirola antelope (Beatragus hunteri) in eastern Kenya. The project resulted from a global concern about declining hirola populations coupled with limited conservation effort for hirola.This is because hirola occurs outside formally protected area and therefore a strong in-situ programme was identified as the ultimate solution to curb on-going hirola declines.

Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions

Absolute value (STAR)


8.3% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Kenya is covered by this organisation.


4.1% of Africa's biodiversity conservation potential is from Kenya.


19.5% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Africa.


0.1% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Hirola Conservation Programme.
