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Indo-Myanmar Conservation
Established in 2008, IMC is registered as an NGO with the Charity Commission of England and Wales with the headquartered in North Yorkshire. Through the merging of IMC with the Asian Turtle Program (ATP) we are now a wildlife conservation ogranisation with a broad biodiversity focus. Across our project sites in Vietnam and Myanmar community engagement through awareness and outreach activities have been important as have the collaboration with relevant wildlife protection authorities. Biodiversity surveys, with a strong herpetological focus has been a core of our work to support reccommendations for species and habitat conservation.
Contributions: 1
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
Absolute value (STAR)
0% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Viet Nam is covered by this organisation.
25.9% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Asia.
0% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Indo-Myanmar Conservation.
Protecting the endanger species Rafetus Swinhoe at Dong Mo lake
Contributing IUCN constituents:Indo-Myanmar Conservation
States:Viet Nam