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National Agency of Protected Areas, Albania
National Agency of Protected Areas established by the Council of Ministers Decision No. 102 dated 04.02.2015 is the main state institution responsible for the nature and biodiversity protection and conservation in Albania. Its main mission is to take care for the nature resources in Albania through the management of the network of the protected areas and promotion of their values undertaking public awareness and environmental education activities and supporting sustainable socio-economic activities within the protected areas. NAPA is an institution under the Ministry of Environment and has the right to inherit the institutional experience in managing and conservation of the protected areas and biodiversity projects and to improve the management of protected areas, according to the requirements and international standards and the experience of European countries, providing for both nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. NAPA activities cover the whole of Albania territory, through the network of protected areas approved till now and other that will be proclaimed in the future established a representative system of Protected Areas (PAs).
Contributions: 1
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
Absolute value (STAR)
0% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from National Agency of Protected Areas, Albania.
Skadar/Shkodra Lake Watershed-a Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
Contributing IUCN constituents:National Agency of Protected Areas, Albania