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Lok Sanjh Foundation
A group of farmers and rural activists registered Lok Sanjh to make an organized effort to build capacity of farmers in sustainable use of natural resources and to make farming communities aware of their rights and responsibilties. Lok Sanjh, a farmers’ based organization, started from few villages in Punjab and is now working in nine districts with more than 160000 registered farmers. The organization is expanding its operations in some other deserving parts of the country, particularly in Kashmir, KPK and Punjab. With partners, Lok Sanjh also worked on projects in BAluchistan and Sindh.
Contributions: 1
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
Absolute value (STAR)
13,820.6% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Pakistan is covered by this organisation.
25.9% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Asia.
19.6% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Lok Sanjh Foundation.