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IKEA -Supporting transition to sustainable agriculture (Kilombero landscape)

Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN :International Union for Conservation of Nature

Détails du projet

NomIKEA -Supporting transition to sustainable agriculture (Kilombero landscape)
DescriptionThe IKEA Foundation, Pernod Ricard, French Development Agency and IUCN have partnered to help accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture by improving land health. Intensive agriculture currently contributes to land degradation; biodiversity loss and climate change, threatening the future viability of food production as farmers depend on nature to feed the world’s growing population. The regional project “accelerating the global transition to sustainable agriculture” will address the urgent need to help farmers adopt more sustainable practices and is aligned to IUCN’s Agriculture and Land Health initiative, launched by the IUCN Director General in 2021. The objective of the initiative is to “accelerate action for mainstreaming land health in sustainable agriculture, as a Nature based Solution to food and water insecurity, climate change and other societal challenges”. The initiative depends on IUCN’s capacity as a convenor and knowledge broker: it brings together actors from historically adversarial sectors around the common concern of land health and it provides tools to support development of policy and investments for sustainable agriculture. For Tanzania, this project is being piloted in the Kilombero landscape and complements efforts undertaken by the SUSTAIN initiative. It involves local to national level dialogues on sustainable agriculture, land health monitoring and capacity building of stakeholders on land health.
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
Date de début31/03/2022
Date de fin31/03/2024
Actions de conservation1.2 Resource & Habitat Protection2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration4.2 Training5.2 Policies & Regulations
Budget annuel nécessaire-
Budget annuel total150 000,00 $US
Personnel♀ 1 | ♂ 1
Bénéficiaires♀ - | ♂ -

Réduction potentielle du risque d'extinction des espèces résultant des mesures de réduction des menaces

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