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Developing an ecology-based conservation strategy for the Indian Pangolin

Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN :Wildlife Conservation Trust

Détails du projet

NomDeveloping an ecology-based conservation strategy for the Indian Pangolin
DescriptionThrough this project, WCT aims to understand the ecology of the elusive and endangered Indian pangolin and develop an effective rehabilitation plan for the rescued/confiscated individuals to ensure better survival rates in the wild. WCT, in collaboration with the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department (MPFD), started this unique field project in 2019. The project focuses on increasing the rate of successful rehabilitation of seized pangolins, and involves collecting spatial, ecological, and behavioural data from the radio-tagged wild and rehabilitated pangolins, as well as mapping pangolin occurrence using trained detection dogs. WCT and MPFD have radio-tagged and released several rescued, confiscated and wild caught Indian pangolins, in Satpura and Pench tiger reserves of Madhya Pradesh. They are being continuously monitored in the wild with the help of radio-telemetry. The camera trap data has been providing us with some very rare insight into the breeding, rearing, and parental behaviours of the Indian pangolin. Some of the rescued and radio-tagged individuals have also begun to breed in the wild. This is highly encouraging as successful breeding of rehabilitated individuals will have a positive impact on the population.
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICNWildlife Conservation Trust
Date de début31/03/2019
Date de fin30/12/2029
Actions de conservation1.2 Resource & Habitat Protection3.2 Species Recovery4.3 Awareness & Communications
Budget annuel nécessaire-
Budget annuel total-
Personnel♀ - | ♂ -
Bénéficiaires♀ - | ♂ -
Released Radio Tagged Pangolin Released Enters a Burrow
Wct Research Team Monitoring Released Pangolin in the Field During Monsoon
Pangolin Shifted to the Release Site in Specially Designed Transportation Box
Wct’s Field Biologists in the Process of Radio Tagging a Pangolin (2)
Tagged Pangolins With a Baby on Their Back
Moya Indicating Pangolin Burrow
Wct’s Field Biologists in the Process of Radio Tagging a Pangolin

Réduction potentielle du risque d'extinction des espèces résultant des mesures de réduction des menaces

Valeur absolue (STAR)


0,1% du potentiel total de conserversation de la biodiversité de Inde est potentiellement couvert par ce projet

41 171,4

13,3% du potentiel de conservation de la biodiversité de Asie provient de Inde.

309 761,9

25,9% du potentiel mondial de conservation de la biodiversité provient de Asie.

Ce diagramme à barres empilées représente la désagrégation relative de l'opportunité potentielle totale de la contribution sélectionnée pour réduire le risque d'extinction des espèces mondiales en prenant des mesures pour réduire les différentes menaces qui pèsent sur les espèces à l'intérieur de ses frontières. Les pourcentages correspondent à la part de l'opportunité totale qui pourrait être atteinte en réduisant cette menace particulière.

% Contribution des menaces à l'extinction des espèces

7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
2.2 Wood & pulp plantations
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
3.2 Mining & quarrying
6.3 Work & other activities

Type de menace