Les désignations utilisées et la présentation des éléments sur cette carte n'impliquent l'expression d'aucune opinion de la part de l'UICN concernant le statut juridique de tout pays, territoire, ville ou zone ou de ses autorités, ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou frontières.
Developing management plans for state natural parks Kan-Achuu and Alatai
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN :Public Foundation CAMP Alatoo
Détails du projet
Nom | Developing management plans for state natural parks Kan-Achuu and Alatai |
Description | Development of Management Plans for Alatai and Kan-Achuu State Nature Parks with Stakeholder Participation As part of the project "Conservation of Globally Important Biodiversity and Associated Land and Forest Resources of Western Tian Shan Mountain Ecosystems to Support Sustainable Livelihoods," funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP implemented by public foundation САМР-Alatoo , the development of management plans for the Alatai and Kan-Achuu State Nature Parks (SNP) has commenced. Objective and Goals: The main objective is to form working groups for the joint development of management plans based on the methodology for managing specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of the Kyrgyz Republic. The task of these working groups is to create effective management strategies for the nature parks, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders, including local communities, business sectors, and local government bodies. Key Results: Orders have been issued in both Alatai and Kan-Achuu SNPs to establish working groups, consisting of 11 members, including park staff, members of public councils, freelance rangers, and representatives of district state administrations. In April 2023, workshops were held in the cities of Toktogul and Kazarman to discuss the parks' goals and objectives, conduct a SWOT analysis of the current situation, identify key natural values and threats, and prioritize key activities with budgets. Workshop Topics: Defining the goals and objectives of the parks. Evaluating the current situation through a situation analysis tools. Identifying conflicts with local residents and developing solutions. Identifying natural values and threats to biodiversity. The outcome of this work will be the development of five-year management plans for Alatai and Kan-Achuu SNPs, taking into account the needs of all participants and aimed at preserving the natural values of the region. |
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN | Public Foundation CAMP Alatoo |
Date de début | 31/03/2023 |
Date de fin | 30/12/2023 |
Actions de conservation | 2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration1.2 Resource & Habitat Protection1.1 Site/Area Protection2.1 Site/Area Management3.1 Species Management4.3 Awareness & Communications |
Budget annuel nécessaire | - |
Budget annuel total | - |
Personnel | ♀ 3 | ♂ 19 |
Bénéficiaires | ♀ 1 400 | ♂ 2 800 |
Réduction potentielle du risque d'extinction des espèces résultant des mesures de réduction des menaces
Valeur absolue (STAR)
0,3% du potentiel total de conserversation de la biodiversité de Kirghizistan est potentiellement couvert par ce projet
0% du potentiel de conservation de la biodiversité de Asie provient de Kirghizistan.
310 880,6
26% du potentiel mondial de conservation de la biodiversité provient de Asie.
Ce diagramme à barres empilées représente la désagrégation relative de l'opportunité potentielle totale de la contribution sélectionnée pour réduire le risque d'extinction des espèces mondiales en prenant des mesures pour réduire les différentes menaces qui pèsent sur les espèces à l'intérieur de ses frontières. Les pourcentages correspondent à la part de l'opportunité totale qui pourrait être atteinte en réduisant cette menace particulière.
% Contribution des menaces à l'extinction des espèces
3.2 Mining & quarrying
6.3 Work & other activities
11.1 Habitat shifting & alteration
7.2 Dams & water management/use
11.5 Other impacts
8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
3.3 Énergie renouvelable
1.1 Housing & urban areas
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
11.3 Temperature extremes
2.2 Wood & pulp plantations
7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
4.1 Roads & railroads
8.2 Problematic native species/diseases
11.2 Droughts
4.2 Utility & service lines
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
Type de menace