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Restoration of the remnant wetland in Wadi Gharba, Jordan Valley

Détails du projet

NomRestoration of the remnant wetland in Wadi Gharba, Jordan Valley
DescriptionThe projects focused on the restoration of a remnant wetland in the Jordan Valley, including the marsh-like thickets of tamarisk shrubs and reed. The main issues were overgrazing, the spread of invasive, alien mesquite, illegal hunting, lack of water and pollution. The area includes breeding birds which of rare and restricted bird species in Jordan such as Little Bittern, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, Clamorous Reed Warbler, Dead Sea Sparrow, and others.
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICNJordan BirdWatch AssociationIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2021-2025
Date de début31/12/2018
Date de fin29/01/2023
Actions de conservation2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration
Budget annuel nécessaire16 000,00 $US
Budget annuel total15 000,00 $US
Personnel♀ 2 | ♂ 3
Bénéficiaires♀ 15 | ♂ 38
habitat ungrazed.jpg

Réduction potentielle du risque d'extinction des espèces résultant des mesures de réduction des menaces

Valeur absolue (STAR)


0% du potentiel total de conserversation de la biodiversité de Asie est potentiellement couvert par ce projet

310 880,6

26% du potentiel mondial de conservation de la biodiversité provient de Asie.