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Management effectiveness for protected areas in Europe
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN :Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, Government of Catalonia
Détails du projet
Nom | Management effectiveness for protected areas in Europe |
Description | The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 identifies the urgency to ensure all PAs across Europe are managed effectively. The LIFE PAME Europe project, building on existing tools and methods, aims to develop a European wide methodology, aligned with the needs of DG Env and EEA requirements for the IT reporting tool, to monitor and assess ME in all PAs across Europe. The methodology will also take into account MS needs and PA managing authorities expectations and be flexible to apply in Natura 2000 sites and other nationally/regionally designated PAs. For this specific dialogue with DG Env, EEA and MS will be necessary together with an active involvement of stakeholders in the framework of a Management Effectiveness Community. An Advisory board composed of representatives from Dg Env, EEA, EU MS, IUCN WCPA, PA networks and external experts, will provide additional expertise and specific technical inputs along the project development. The methodology, once drafted will be tested in a sample of pilot PAs and feedback received will be used to finalise the methodology. Learning material and training sessions, both for pilot areas and for national and regional authorities will provide the necessary background competences to ensure a successful implementation and adoption of the methodology. An extensive parallel effort on communication, dissemination and stakeholder engagement will contribute to raise attention and knowledge on the value and benefits of monitoring and assessing ME in PAs. The project consortium brings together an interdisciplinary team from organisations leading in innovative capacity building and engagement with protected areas. The partnership includes several institutions with direct responsibility for reporting under EU Nature Directives, with expertise in reporting procedures for Natura 2000, understanding of the challenges and opportunities of a new coordinated system for ME assessment and the benefits that would derive for nature and biodiversity. |
Constituants contributeurs de l’UICN | Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, Government of Catalonia |
Date de début | 31/08/2024 |
Date de fin | 30/12/2028 |
Actions de conservation | 2.1 Site/Area Management |
Budget annuel nécessaire | - |
Budget annuel total | - |
Personnel | ♀ - | ♂ - |
Bénéficiaires | ♀ - | ♂ - |
Réduction potentielle du risque d'extinction des espèces résultant des mesures de réduction des menaces
Ce diagramme à barres empilées représente la désagrégation relative de l'opportunité potentielle totale de la contribution sélectionnée pour réduire le risque d'extinction des espèces mondiales en prenant des mesures pour réduire les différentes menaces qui pèsent sur les espèces à l'intérieur de ses frontières. Les pourcentages correspondent à la part de l'opportunité totale qui pourrait être atteinte en réduisant cette menace particulière.
% Contribution des menaces à l'extinction des espèces
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
1.3 Tourism & recreation areas
7.2 Dams & water management/use
11.1 Habitat shifting & alteration
4.1 Roads & railroads
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
Type de menace