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Improving Connectivity for the Tiger and other Large Carnivores in the Western Ghats

Miembros contribuyentes de la UICN:Wildlife Conservation Trust

Detalles del proyecto

NombreImproving Connectivity for the Tiger and other Large Carnivores in the Western Ghats
DescripciónWildlife Conservation Trust’s long-term study in the Sahyadri Tiger Landscape in the northern Western Ghats has shed light on how the four large carnivores – tiger, dhole, leopard, and sloth bear – are faring in the region. It is helping us to understand: a) how these animals are persisting within and outside the Protected Areas in the landscape; b) if the corridors provide the necessary habitat and connectivity for the carnivore populations; and c) how the fragmentation of these corridors impacts the species’ use of the landscape. Designing conservation interventions at large landscape scales is essential for wide-ranging mammalian wildlife. Our work in the northern Western Ghats provides a macro-level perspective which can guide conservation interventions to improve populations of the tiger and three other large carnivores in the landscape. Our study further pointed towards the need for improved protection levels for large carnivores in the already existing and newly declared Protected Areas in the landscape. WCT is working closely with the Maharashtra Forest Department to draft the Management Plan for the northern Western Ghats corridor. Further, to improve the capacity of frontline forest staff in the region, WCT has been conducting training sessions for the forest staff on Wildlife Crime Scene Investigation, Forensics and Wildlife Law Enforcement, and equipping the frontline staff with the necessary field gear.
Miembros contribuyentes de la UICNWildlife Conservation Trust
Fecha de inicio1/4/2021
Fecha final1/3/2029
Acciones de conservación1.1 Site/Area Protection1.2 Resource & Habitat Protection2.1 Site/Area Management3.1 Species Management3.2 Species Recovery4.2 Training4.3 Awareness & Communications5.2 Policies & Regulations
Presupuesto anual necesario-
Presupuesto anual total-
Personal♀ - | ♂ -
Beneficiarios♀ - | ♂ -
3 Photographs of Tigers Captured in Camera Traps in the Tillari and Chandgad Conservation Reserves in 2021 22 Credit Wct
Ds C00077 (2)
2 Project Head Girish Punjabi Helping the Frontline Forest Staff of the Chandgad and Tillari Conservation Reserves and Also the Wct Field Team Photo by Rizwan Mithawala
Figure 1 Locations of Cameras Deployed During the Survey of Conservation Reserves in the Sahyadri Konkan Corridor From December 2022 to May 2023.
Figure 2 (left)
Sahyadri Corridor Project Poster  Landscape (33.1 X 23.4 In)

Reducción potencial del riesgo de extinción de especies como resultado de acciones de reducción de amenazas

Valor absoluto (STAR)


El 1,7% del potencial total de conservación de la biodiversidad en India está potencialmente cubierto por este proyecto


El 13,3% del potencial de conservación de la biodiversidad de Asia proviene de India.


El 25,9% del potencial de conservación de la biodiversidad global proviene de Asia.

Este gráfico de barras apiladas representa el desglose relativo de la oportunidad potencial total de la contribución seleccionada para reducir el riesgo global de extinción de especies mediante la adopción de medidas para reducir las diferentes amenazas a las especies dentro de sus límites. Los porcentajes se refieren a la cantidad de la oportunidad total que podría lograrse reduciendo esa amenaza concreta.

% Contribución de las amenazas a la extinción de especies

6.1 Recreational activities
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
4.1 Roads & railroads
2.2 Wood & pulp plantations
1.2 Commercial & industrial areas
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
1.1 Housing & urban areas
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
1.3 Tourism & recreation areas

Tipo de amenaza