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The current status of Syrian Serin in Jordan: breeding population, distribution and
Detalles del proyecto
Nombre | The current status of Syrian Serin in Jordan: breeding population, distribution and |
Descripción | The Syrian Serin has a restricted range and breeds solely in the highlands of SW Jordan, S Syria and Lebanon. IN SW Jordan, in the Dana Nature Reserve, there is strong evidence of population decline since 1996. The species is listed as vulnerable (IUCN Red-list). The project's aim was to - survey the breeding population size in SW Jordan in 2022, the last survey was in 2011. - assess threats to the breeding habitat located in Al-Barrah woods, a relatively poorly managed area within the Dana Reserve - assess winter distribution of the species in the north, where apparently Syrian Serin from Syria and Lebanon are wintering. - Carry out a workshop at Dana with authorities and groups of interest and disseminate facts about the species and results Results: - The breeding population in SW Jordan is apparently endangered at the national level; the population appears to be declining and the occupied breeding habitat area is shrinking. - The breeding habitats are poorly managed, and threatened by overgrazing, woodcutting, uncontrolled picnicking and drought conditions. - The wintering birds in the north of Jordan appear to be scattered in open semi-arid areas. They probably originate from the breeding populations further north - The workshop held at Dana was very positive, with all authorities and groups of interest willing to cooperate and suggesting solutions regarding uncontrolled access and overgrazing of the breeding habitat. However, this has not been followed up by the reserve management or local authorities. |
Miembros contribuyentes de la UICN | Jordan BirdWatch AssociationIUCN Commission on Education and Communication 2021-2025IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2021-2025 |
Fecha de inicio | 31/8/2021 |
Fecha final | 30/8/2022 |
Acciones de conservación | 2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration |
Presupuesto anual necesario | 4950,00 US$ |
Presupuesto anual total | 4950,00 US$ |
Personal | ♀ - | ♂ 1 |
Beneficiarios | ♀ 1 | ♂ 2 |
Reducción potencial del riesgo de extinción de especies como resultado de acciones de reducción de amenazas
Este gráfico de barras apiladas representa el desglose relativo de la oportunidad potencial total de la contribución seleccionada para reducir el riesgo global de extinción de especies mediante la adopción de medidas para reducir las diferentes amenazas a las especies dentro de sus límites. Los porcentajes se refieren a la cantidad de la oportunidad total que podría lograrse reduciendo esa amenaza concreta.
% Contribución de las amenazas a la extinción de especies
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
6.3 Work & other activities
4.1 Roads & railroads
8.2 Problematic native species/diseases
6.1 Recreational activities
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
7.2 Dams & water management/use
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
11.2 Droughts
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
Tipo de amenaza