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Contributing IUCN constituents:International Union for Conservation of Nature

Project Details

DescriptionSUSTAIN is a 10-year initiative working to secure a transition to sustainable food systems and healthy productive landscapes in Tanzania and Mozambique. The initiative will particularly focus on scaling up sustainable agriculture and ensuring healthy ecosystems for resilient livelihoods and inclusive growth. The Initiative will aim to enhance sustainable and inclusive governance and management of natural resources, implement integrated landscape management and innovative nature-based solutions to generate inclusive and sustainable business and livelihood opportunities; and catalyse innovative and inclusive investments in healthy ecosystems, sustainable agribusinesses and value chains. SUSTAIN has got two intertwined components: Productive Landscapes for Inclusive Growth (SUSTAIN Pro) and Ecosystem stewardship to balance sustainability and growth (SUSTAIN Eco). The initiative will be implemented in Kilombero, Ihemi (Iringa) and Sumbawanga - Katavi Clusters of the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).
Contributing IUCN ConstituentInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
Start Date12/11/2022
End Date12/31/2025
Conservation Actions2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration1.2 Resource & Habitat Protection2.2 Invasive/Problematic Species Control4.3 Awareness & Communications2.1 Site/Area Management5.2 Policies & Regulations5.3 Private Sector Standards & Codes6.4 Conservation Payments6.1 Linked Enterprises & Livelihood Alternatives
Needed annual budget-
Total annual budget$2,200,000.00
Staff♀ 2 | ♂ 5
Beneficiaries♀ - | ♂ -

Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions

Absolute value (STAR)


7.3% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of United Republic of Tanzania is covered by this project.


10.8% of Africa's biodiversity conservation potential is from United Republic of Tanzania.


19.5% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Africa.

This stacked bar chart represents the relative disaggregation of the selected contribution's total potential opportunity for reducing global species extinction risk through taking actions to abate different threats to species within its boundaries. The percentages refer to the amount of the total opportunity that could potentially be achieved through abating that particular threat.

% Contribution of threats to species extinction

4.1 Roads & railroads
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
2.2 Wood & pulp plantations
8.2 Problematic native species/diseases
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
7.1 Fire & fire suppression
11.1 Habitat shifting & alteration
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops

Threat type