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Managing the habitat of the Endangered Adriatic Marbled Bush-cricket
Contributing IUCN constituents:IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2021-2025
Project Details
Name | Managing the habitat of the Endangered Adriatic Marbled Bush-cricket |
Description | The national Conservation Action Plan for the Adriatic Marbled Bush-cricket (Zeuneriana marmorata) for Italy was written in 2017 in collaboration between the IUCN SSC Grasshopper Specialist Group, the IUCN SSC Invertebrate Conservation Committee, the Associazione Studi Ornitologici e Ricerche Ecologiche del Friuli Venezia Giulia (ASTORE), the Stazione Biologica della Cona - Riserva Naturale Regionale Foce dell'Isonzo and Rogos Sc. Coop. Implementation started in 2018. In the nature reserve Foce dell'Isonzo, important habitats for the Adriatic Marbled Bush-cricket were excluded from grazing by building a fence. A potentially suitable habitat was identified in 2020 and translocation was carried out in 2021. All Italian populations were monitored since 2018 and four new populations were discovered near Venice and along the Fiume Stella. To improve the implementation of more conservation actions, we need to employ one project coordinator. |
Contributing IUCN Constituent | IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law 2021-2025IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas 2021-2025 |
Start Date | 5/31/2018 |
End Date | 12/30/2029 |
Conservation Actions | 2.1 Site/Area Management4.3 Awareness & Communications2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration |
Needed annual budget | $40,000.00 |
Total annual budget | $5,000.00 |
Staff | ♀ - | ♂ - |
Beneficiaries | ♀ - | ♂ 1 |
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
This stacked bar chart represents the relative disaggregation of the selected contribution's total potential opportunity for reducing global species extinction risk through taking actions to abate different threats to species within its boundaries. The percentages refer to the amount of the total opportunity that could potentially be achieved through abating that particular threat.
% Contribution of threats to species extinction
1.3 Tourism & recreation areas
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
6.1 Recreational activities
1.2 Commercial & industrial areas
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
9.1 Domestic & urban waste water
7.2 Dams & water management/use
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
1.1 Housing & urban areas
9.2 Industrial & military effluents
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
Threat type