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Building livelihood resilience to climate change in the upper basins of Guatemala’s highlands- Altiplano Resiliente

Contributing IUCN constituents:Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Project Details

NameBuilding livelihood resilience to climate change in the upper basins of Guatemala’s highlands- Altiplano Resiliente
DescriptionThe project´s overarching objective is to reduce the impacts of climate change on the hydrological cycle in target watersheds through improved land use practices. This will lead to improved water recharge and productivity and contribute to the population´s and ecosystem´s increased resilience to climate change. Period implementation of the project is seven years, including an exit strategy planned for years 6 and 7. Total project area is 146,500ha of which 22,500 will be directly restored with EbA. This area includes agroforestry with annual crops, silvopastoral systems, and agroforestry with permanent crops or forest plantations and protection areas. The selected areas are considered as water recharge areas.
Contributing IUCN ConstituentMinistry of Environment and Natural Resources
Start Date1/1/2021
End Date1/1/2026
Conservation Actions2.1 Site/Area Management2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration6.1 Linked Enterprises & Livelihood Alternatives4.2 Training6.4 Conservation Payments
Needed annual budget-
Total annual budget$3,800,000.00
Staff♀ - | ♂ -
Beneficiaries♀ 39,600 | ♂ 92,400
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Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions

Absolute value (STAR)


3.5% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Guatemala is covered by this project.


3% of The Americas's biodiversity conservation potential is from Guatemala.


45.4% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from The Americas.

This stacked bar chart represents the relative disaggregation of the selected contribution's total potential opportunity for reducing global species extinction risk through taking actions to abate different threats to species within its boundaries. The percentages refer to the amount of the total opportunity that could potentially be achieved through abating that particular threat.

% Contribution of threats to species extinction

8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
9.3 Agricultural & forestry effluents
7.1 Fire & fire suppression
1.1 Housing & urban areas
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting

Threat type