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Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP)
Contributing IUCN constituents:Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Project Details
Name | Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) |
Description | The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) is a pioneering rural development non-profit organisation, established in 1982 to help improve the quality of life of the local communities in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral. Registered under the Companies Act, 2017 with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), AKRSP approach is community-led and encourages equitable social and economic development in the region. AKRSP has been working across all 10 districts of Gilgit-Baltistan and two districts of Chitral in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). In 2024, AKRSP expanded its programme to Sindh, further extending its impact and continuing its mission of improving the quality of life for rural communities across Pakistan. AKRSP works across several key thematic areas to foster sustainable development and build resilience in the communities it serves . These thematic areas include agriculture and food security, climate resilience, health and nutrition, education, early childhood development, civil society, and wor |
Contributing IUCN Constituent | Aga Khan Rural Support Programme |
Start Date | 1/1/1982 |
End Date | 1/31/2025 |
Conservation Actions | 2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration4.2 Training4.3 Awareness & Communications6.1 Linked Enterprises & Livelihood Alternatives7.1 Institutional & Civil Society Development7.2 Alliance & Partnership Development |
Needed annual budget | - |
Total annual budget | - |
Staff | ♀ 76 | ♂ 195 |
Beneficiaries | ♀ - | ♂ - |
Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions
This stacked bar chart represents the relative disaggregation of the selected contribution's total potential opportunity for reducing global species extinction risk through taking actions to abate different threats to species within its boundaries. The percentages refer to the amount of the total opportunity that could potentially be achieved through abating that particular threat.
% Contribution of threats to species extinction
8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
6.2 War, civil unrest & military exercises
2.3 Livestock farming & ranching
2.2 Wood & pulp plantations
2.1 Annual & perennial non-timber crops
5.3 Logging & wood harvesting
1.1 Housing & urban areas
5.1 Hunting & collecting terrestrial animals
Threat type