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Finacial, experts, technical
Contributing IUCN constituents:Caucasus Environmental NGO Network
Project Details
Name | Finacial, experts, technical |
Description | As part of the on-the-ground small grants initiatives, within the project: Restoring Ecosystems to Reduce Drought Risk and Increase Resilience, IUCN ECARO and CENN successfully supported the restoration of the 93-ha forest stand in the most drought-affected Dedoplistskaro Municipality in Georgia. Georgia is a country rich in forests, however, Dedoplistskaro municipality is an exception, where the forest occupies only 5% of the territory. Over the years, due to unsustainable forest management, excessive grazing, as well as the influence of negative natural factors, most of the forests have been degraded, which was confirmed by the forest inventory carried out in 2022. Dedoplistskaro has been identified as a municipality facing the threat of desertification, where soil degradation caused by natural and anthropogenic factors is also visible, which ultimately leads to the loss of biodiversity, species change and reduction of ecosystem services. To contribute to the challenges highlighted above, the ANR project was implemented by the National Forest Agency of Georgia with the support from the IUCN/CENN. The forest area in Dedoplistskaro Municipality was cleaned of dense undergrowth and weeds, following the fencing works, aiming to protect the area from disturbance. Additionally, the project provided essential tools and equipment such as soil augers, motor scythes, chainsaws, etc., which were lacking for the project at the National Forestry Agency. ANR is an important component of NbS and holds significant potential in contributing to drought mitigation efforts. Healthy forests act as natural water reservoirs, helping to regulate local hydrological cycles and maintain soil moisture. The initiative was financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency, with funds provided from the Austrian Development Cooperation. |
Contributing IUCN Constituent | Caucasus Environmental NGO Network |
Start Date | 3/1/2023 |
End Date | 10/30/2023 |
Conservation Actions | 2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration |
Needed annual budget | - |
Total annual budget | - |
Staff | ♀ - | ♂ - |
Beneficiaries | ♀ - | ♂ - |