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Green Generation Project

Contributing IUCN constituents:Jordan Outdoor Sports Association

Project Details

NameGreen Generation Project
DescriptionProject Introduction: This project aims to raise environmental awareness among students and encourage their participation in agricultural activities that protect the environment and support biodiversity. The project will focus on the propagation of local plants through seed planting, which will take place at the Jordanian Hunting Association's headquarters. The project will be supervised by agricultural engineers from the association in collaboration with UNEP, who will provide the necessary guidance and support. The project will also involve partnerships with schools in Amman. Project Objectives and Environmental Impact: Increasing Environmental Awareness: The project will help raise environmental awareness among students by introducing them to local plants, emphasizing their role in maintaining ecological balance. Biodiversity Conservation: By planting drought-resistant local plants, the project will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, ensuring the sustainability of the local ecosystem. Enhancing the Role of the Jordanian Hunting Association: This long-term project will strengthen the association's role as a key supporter of environmental initiatives and enhance its community image. Overall, the project seeks to foster a sense of environmental responsibility among students while promoting sustainable practices that benefit the local environment.
Contributing IUCN ConstituentJordan Outdoor Sports Association
Start Date11/1/2024
End Date12/31/2025
Conservation Actions1.1 Site/Area Protection1.2 Resource & Habitat Protection2.1 Site/Area Management2.3 Habitat & Natural Process Restoration3.3 Species Re-Introduction
Needed annual budget$10,000.00
Total annual budget$3,000.00
Staff♀ 20 | ♂ 80
Beneficiaries♀ 50 | ♂ 300

Potential reduction of species extinction risk resulting from threat abatement actions

Absolute value (STAR)


0% of the total biodiversity conservation potential of Jordan is covered by this project.


0% of Asia's biodiversity conservation potential is from Jordan.


25.9% of global biodiversity conservation potential is from Asia.